Established in 2013, the Funka Group is an international company that currently owns and operates some of the most popular restaurants and bars in downtown Shanghai.
FUNKA集团成立于2013年, 是一家在上海市中心拥有和经营一些很受欢迎的餐厅和酒吧的跨国公司。
Funka Group is emerging as a developer of successful and innovative F&B concepts appreciated for their state of the art drinks, casual food, catchy design, hip music selection, and convivial environment: a mix which many refer to as the “Funka vibe”.
FUNKA集团所成功开发的富有创新餐饮理念的餐厅和酒吧拥有深受客人喜爱的饮品,食物,吸引人的室内设计,精心挑选的音乐风格以及欢乐和谐的氛围:被大家叫做“FUNKA氛围” 。
Operated by four friends who share an intense passion for all things Italian, especially when it comes to cuisine, Apertivo drinks and authentic atmosphere. Our venues are constantly ranked at the top of the relevant industry categories and have been nominated for prestigious awards. In 2016 The Parrot won the award as Best New Bar in Shanghai 2016 by That’s Shanghai Magazine and Best New Bar in 2017 by City Weekend.
Funka集团由四位好友共同拥有和经营,他们对意大利的所有事物都有着浓厚的热情,特别是在美食方面,我们提供和营造正宗的意式Apertivo饮料和氛围。我们的餐厅和酒吧不断排名在相关行业的前端,并多次被提名为有声望的奖项。在2016,鹦鹉酒吧在《That’s Shanghai》和《City Weekend》杂志上荣获了2016年度最佳新开业酒吧奖。
If you’re looking for great quality Italian food and drinks with a relaxed vibe, Then look no further than the Funka Group!
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