seul&SEUL is a restaurant offering glamorous of southern Frenchcuisine. We define the concept of "Bistronomy" which is between"Fine dining" and "Bistro" that we are trying to serve elegantsouthern french cuisine with easier atmosphere and turning the, dining experience to be more comfortable and interesting.
seul&SEUL南法餐厅是介于Fine dinning与Bistro之间,定义为Bistronomy主打南法菜。餐厅的初衷是希望食客在轻松惬意的用餐氛围里更享受精致的菜品,将例行公事的用餐,变得更加舒适、有趣。
Tiny,Humble and Changeable are the principles of the restaurantthat means we start from every tiny details and aim to be perfectin even detailed aspects; being humble to serve every customerswith. the best luxury service; and we consistently innovate ourmenu to creating delicate and elegant meal.
seul&SEUL is using seasonal menu which consistently bring ourcustomers unique and different dining experience. Chef will! select the freshest ingredients of the season and bring the brandnew inspiration to your feast. Every element is selected and deco-rates every dish with full of glamour. The potential of each ingre-dient will be inspired by cooking to express the deeper taste,smell and nature. We hope every customer feeling resonant inboth vision and tasting.
seul&SEUL餐厅采用“ 季节菜单形式”让客人感受与众不同的用餐体验。主厨会每天亲自挑选最新鲜的上等食材来制作菜单,主厨会用崭新角度诠释餐桌上的盛宴,每道菜的元素都经过精心选取,让摆盘充满美感,让烹饪激发食物的潜能,释放出更深层次的味道、香气与质感,让每一位食客无论从视觉、触觉都达到。
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大堂茶座the lobby¥10-20万
Chocolate Ville¥5-10万
Kabb 凯博西餐酒吧¥5-10万