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The Fellas Terrace 投资金额:10-20万

品牌名称:The Fellas Terrace 门店数量:1家 行业分类:西餐 主营产品:西餐 合作费用:10-20万 成立时间:2017
公司名称:The Fellas Terrace餐饮管理有限公司
The Fellas Terrace加盟品牌介绍

Under the splendid shining skyline of the bund, The Fellas Terrace provides out clients professional and detail focused customize service.

坐落在外滩绝美景观下的意式餐酒吧The Fellas Terrace为我们的顾客提供专业且注重细节的高级私人定制服务.

Specialized Italian menu and interior just to suit your preferences.


From big social events such as advertisement campaigns, company dinners, wine tasting to private events like wedding reception and birthday parties we provide partly or full privatized arrangements.

从大型商业活动如广告宣传,公司团建年会,红酒品鉴会到婚礼和生日派对等私人活动,The Fellas Terrace承接各类半至全私密化派对。

Pairing with the various Italian wine selection of ours andhigh-quality signature cocktails to ensure you a hot Italian vibe at The Fellas Terrace in the heart of Shanghai, and a beautiful evening not to be forgotten.


The Fellas Terraceis equipped to handle all of your fantasies.

The Fellas Terrace竭诚为您实现想象。

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